BLUF photographer listings

Whether you're an existing member, or thinking of becoming one, great photos make your profile more appealing - and not just on BLUF. So, if you're thinking of getting new images, here are some of the people who can help. You can narrow down the selection to a single country, using the menu below.

Tap or click on a photograph to launch a gallery of images showcasing the work of a photographer. The galleries feature high quality images. We do not recommend viewing them if you have a mobile plan with limited data.


Manchester, United Kingdom

Through my experiences as a photographer, making my initial steps as an events photographer, and later blossoming into a portraits photographer, I have come to understand my style as a mixture of cinematic and chiaroscuro, as I enjoy working with light to create dynamic portraits that showcase the communities I work with. I hope to continue to explore the philosophical and instinctual connections that present in the broader and niche realms of the fetish community.

Through my works, I allow others to embrace a greater sense of inner confidence that photographers are able to achieve, by being the lens tha that sees their truer natures. I believe everyone should be able to feel beautiful, worthwhile and confident in their own right, and my aim is always to achieve this through the work I undertake.




Paton Yates Photography

Manchester, United Kingdom

A Morepixx 2023 finalist, we like to focus primarily on sensual and intimate photography.

With a background in film and a deep interest in traditional fine art and creative fashion, we love opportunities to mix these very disparate worlds together with kink to create more emotionally driven images and perspectives. The influence of these worlds lends us to think out of the box, working out how we can create items such as unusual props to reinforce the story of an image and provide striking elements of focus within a portrait.

When it comes to our fetish photography, we like our portraits to be more personal, tailored to the individuals involved and showcasing the connection that is inherent when practicing fetish and kink. Furthermore, we like to bring this connection through to the viewer inviting them to become more than just a spectator if they desire, allowing them to feel how they would fit into the scenes and in turn, challenge the viewer to reflect on their own roles within this world.

This mix of influences and the desire for connection allows us to bring fetish more toward mainstream, edgy, fashion photography as an outlet helping to normalise kink a little more. We also like our work to be a bit more thought provoking to the viewer helping challenge their own views they may have around fetish and kink.

Twitter patonyatesphoto

Instagram patonyatesphotography


The photographers in this list have taken pictures of BLUF members, or are well known for their work in the leather/fetish communities. If you choose a photographer from this list, please do tell them where you found their details.

We make every effort to keep the information on this page up to date. Please let us know of any errors or omissions.

After opening a gallery, you can swipe from one image to the next on a touchscreen. On other computers, you can use the left and right arrows to move through the images.

If you are a BLUF member, sign in to the site so you can view private member photos taken by the photographer listed on this page.